DR Blog

Enough of the academic stuff! This is where the thoughts, feelings, observations and other musings get put, on kind of a weekly basis. Maybe some notation. Maybe some recordings. Definitely some links to help us all keep each other in the know. Check the DR Blog dropdown from the menu above or below and check […]

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February 14, 2019

Rhythm Blog Intro

This intro serves to introduce not just me but the various directions this blog can take. There are a number of important discussions that I’ve been having with other interested parties, in various parts of the world, that deserve elucidation here. I will be attaching parts of my scholarly work as well as recordings or videos […]

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December 17, 2018

Beethoven, African Rhythm, Meditation and Joy

I just did a long morning Beethoven Pathetique practice session (piano sonata, I was working on the famous, slower, second movement) in small parts 12+ correct times each. I resisted the urge to string them together even once at the end. I want to see the effect next session, either later today or who knows, […]

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June 16, 2019

Drum Circle?

I had such a weird experience last night. I’m far from a drum circle aficionado, though I go to them occasionally. When I lived in Durban, South Africa, I used to go to a late-night drum ‘triangle’ (my dear mathematician friend Kevin once noted the actual shape and named it thus) sometimes when I hadn’t […]

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March 13, 2019